Tuesday, May 6, 2008


It's funny: I yap all day about working on transitions--You gotta make 'em so smooth they're nearly undetectable, I tell my students--but why all the hulabaloo? Why not embrace the time of change?

Anyway, I'm going People-style on Transitions this morning.

Yesterday, my far flung niece, Alexis, gave birth to a 6 lb. 9 oz.
as yet unnamed baby girl.
Welcome to the world, little one.
Some say this makes my dad the youngest great grandfather
in the free world.

My dear friend, Jennifer, celebrates another one today.
This is the woman that taught me freedom can be found anywhere--
even in a can o' nuts.
Happy birthday, my Friend!!!

And finally, my uncle Gene's dog, Sammy,
went the way we'll all go yesterday afternoon.
A burial is pending;
he'll be much missed.

Hope you're embracing your own transitions. Looks like I gotta transition away from the computer and into the shower...

1 comment:

jen said...

thanks friend! here's to here...and there...and all of it.