Sunday, March 16, 2008


Dad called, told me Sammy had gone missing. Sammy’s Gene’s dog. Gene walked all day out in the woods looking for him, didn’t even eat, got his legs all cut up with briars. Thelma, Gene’s neighbor, heard gunshots early in the morning, she said. They thought the neighbor on the other side might have shot Sammy. That neighbor’s been peeved at Gene for the longest time ever since Gene called the cops about the neighbor’s pig. Pigs are loud. Probably louder than you imagine. So Gene walked all day, his legs still hurt, and yelled for Sammy. Nothing. The pound had nothing. No Sammy. Gene was just brokenhearted; he loves that dog, slept with his blanket that night. Next day, there’s a knock. It’s the dog catcher; he’s got Sammy. Sammy had gotten lost in the woods, ended up going to the house they used to live in, opened the gate himself and was inside playing with a little bitty dog. The ole gal who lived there was scared out of her wits, called the pound. Gene was beside himself, crying, never happier. Dad and Gene took Sammy to the vet. All was good. They were worried he might have heartworms, but he was clean. Might live longer than any of us.


little miss mel said...


So glad the dog is home safe and sound. Sounded like an awful experience.

Love happy endings!

Courtney said...

That was the most uplifting thing I've heard in a while.

I love when things turn out okay.

Also, it was nice to run into you and I hope we can hang out sometime when you're not buried in essays.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is great... I'll print it out and give Gene a copy. He really does love that dog.

As for Sammy outliving us all, sadly that probably won't happen. He's 12 years old and the vet said 14 is tops for a big dog like him.

Gene, on the other hand, will probably still be here when all the rest of us are dead and gone.