Thursday, March 27, 2008

Night Sky

The strange thing about living in the city is you can go months without seeing the moon. My only grasp on its phases is when I see a sign at yoga for a full moon class.

I remember I had a student in Harlem once who wrote about the eight stars she had seen in the sky. Eight? I asked. Yes, she said, I counted them. Have you ever seen that many?

Millions, I told her, but she thought I was exaggerating. Really! I said, and she just laughed and laughed like I had just told her I was married to the man on the moon.

This morning, walking up my block, there were stars chalked all over the sidewalk, and a message: THIS IS FOR YOU!!!

I like to think that it truly was.


Anonymous said...

Made me think of a long drive I once took to Mississippi, a night sky full of stars.... so many of which were falling. While we drove with the windows rolled down, a Marlboro for each, a Diet Dr. Pepper (which was sadly missing a twist of lime), to see dear old dad, play the ghost of christmas future... and hear his love, play the piano until his fingers almost bled. What night, I'll never forget...falling stars and good friends.. the perfect combination.

Nicole Callihan said...

O Hol--that was an amazing trip, and those stars--absolutely incredible. Love you and miss you.