Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sometimes I Miss...

living so close to the railroad tracks.


Zoe Ryder White said...

Me too, me too! We changed houses a lot when I was growing up but we were always close enough to the tracks to hear the trains pass in the night. When I was in kindergarten we lived in one house that was so close my bedsprings hummed with the southbound freights. Full of iron ore from the Arrowhead, mostly. We'd walk along the tracks later and collect the little red balls of taconite in our pockets. They were heavy, I remember, my pants would hang low. It's that great, full, heartbreaking whistle I miss the most though. Practically makes me cry to think of it.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I moved to Texas the trains were one of the first things I noticed I'd missed in NYC. Then dating a "railroader" for a bit I soon had my fill of all things train. Now they just make me late for work.