Sunday, February 3, 2008

Still Life with Writers

Look who came out to the Ear Inn yesterday...
It was quite a show. Oakland poet, David Buuck, wowed us.
Really. This guy's brain is the stuff legends are made of.
There was also, quite famously, Dan Rosenberg's mother:
And a very mean Diana Roffman
(not to be bucked with):
All giggly love and crazy intensity, Dawn Lundy Martin:
and a luminous Rebecca Myers
who read a brilliant seven-part poem about a man
who was struck by lightning seven times. Meanwhile, Ada Limón just sat around oozing love and beauty.
And Nat Bennett
once again proved himself to be one of my favorite writers.
His characters are so real and his plots are so good.
(& the chicks dig him.)
Olivia Birdsall
was also on hand, draining the blue pitcher
of every last drop of metaphorical goodness.
All in all it was a wonderful reading
and a very happy groundhog's day
as depicted here in one of Margot Miller's lesser known works. My only question is...
did he see his shadow or not?


Limonada said...

That was so much fun lovely! You rocked and everyone was amazing. Besos y amor.

Sloan said...

Thanks for the vicarious literary feast... Miss you all.

DLM said...

Somebody--I won't say whom (ok, I will: the blue pitcher lady)--has their ear on the pulse of the ears and inns of poetry. oh how i love punctuation. i've just added this blog to my news reader.