Yesterday, she cried inconsolably for what seemed like hours. Finally, I just sat on the bed and cried with her. It was dark, and C. came in and took her from me.
Now, You are my Sunshine pours from the speakers, and it's the second day of the new year. Seems we're all a little tired around here, and while a whole sea of steeped cinnamon tea won't change that, I still find myself brewing cup after cup. Surely it doesn't hurt.
I put Hola on our diaper mat every few weeks to see his growth in progress. Fun to look back on.
Isn't it amazing how much they change?? I definitely do not look like my baby pictures. AT ALL. weird.
Sounds like you guys are hanging in there as much as you can. You're making great strides! Keep it up! :)
cute, precious, baby girl! Congrats!!!!
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