Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wedding Extravaganza

Yesterday was so filled with love I'm nearly exhausted.
Two weddings, two towns, all sorts of happiness.
Here's Sanj & Fredrik from the morning wedding,
just after they promised their lives to each other:
Me feeling sari for myself;
hubs in shock that we've got twelve more hours to go:
After a three and a half hour drive to Connecticut,
Amy, another absolutely stunning bride:
Amy, Michal & friends cutting cake:
Back in Manhattan, for Sanj's reception,
me & the little one in a conga line:
Last shot after last dance after last wardrobe change:
All in all, it was one of the most memorable days I've ever experienced. Between the love and the dancing, the cake and the laughter, I just feel so fortunate to live in a world where happiness is something that--if I'm not careful--I could take for granted.


Anonymous said...

This day seems wonderful...and a bit disconcertingly similar to one of the opening scenes in 27 Dresses...

Nicole Callihan said...

Heehee. So true. I realized this when I nearly walked into wedding two with a Bendhi stuck to my third eye!

Townes Elwood Keeth said...

Sanj got married? WHHAATTT?