Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Longing #94

This morning all I want is a long road and blue sky, and I just want to drive and drive with the windows down, and the Diet Coke sweating in the cup holder, and the trees flying by, and maybe I'll get somewhere but maybe I'll end up in the middle of nowhere and that will be fine by me.


Unknown said...

i can't drive, but you make it sound awfully appealing. a long rattly amtrak ride might suit me these days. . .

good luck with the first days!

Anonymous said...

The good ole days, when the price of gas didn't matter, and the time it would take wasn't a concern. . . just getting out to explore the world on our own terms. Oh well. . . at least I still have my diet coke, and the memories of long roads traveled.

mamabird said...

hi nicole. got your e-mail. please disregard my request. you are a love. is there going to be a place
for loved ones to say something to you at your rehearsal dinner/wedding?

if not i have to hire the sky writer now.

Joe Hefner said...

if it's a place you need...allow me to make a few suggestions...