lazy mom Amanda tagged me in this note, and so, what the heck? Here we go...
Eight Things I Am Looking Forward To:1) the 4th of July in Joplin
Eva reaching for me3) this weekend in the Catskills
4) remembering these exhausting times
5) watching Grease II with Eva when she's older
6) seeing my mom, listening to the songs she sings
7) getting in bed and reading
8) my goodnight kiss from Cody
Eight Things I Did Yesterday1) picnicked in the park
2) walked five miles
3) toasted a dear friend's AP celebration
4) Pilates
5) pushed Eva on the swing, read her stories, nuzzled her
6) got stunned by the Manhattan skyline
7) peeked in to see if my dear friend who's crashing made it safely
8) worried that the bird is weaning herself
Eight Things I Wish I Could Do1) sleep eight hours straight
2) slow things down a bit
3) love unselfishly
4) drop eight pounds
5) drive with all the windows down
6) show Eva the Pyramids, the Great Wall, the Grand Canyon, how to be kind
7) publish a couple of books
8) kill this fly that got in the house this evening
Eight Shows I Watch 1) The Bachelor
2) The Bachelorette
3) Sex and the City re-runs
4) Law & Order
That's about it. Since Eva was born, I don't watch much of anything but her.
Eight Bloggers I am Tagging:1) Zoe: The Red Engine
2) Kate: Flights of Fancy
3) Margot: Un-BLOG-eavable
4) Little Miss Mel: littlemissmel
5) Heather: Cheese 'n Pickles
6) Dad: Old Runner
7) Olivia: Near Life
8) Andrea: Sneaking Poems into Academia