The technique was simple: Discard any photo of yourself that's unflattering. A fat arm, a bad dye-job, an unsightly panty line--all were reason for immediate disposal. After fishing out the bad of you, it was common courtesy to survey the other women in the photos as well; men could be glanced at too, but any child under the age of twelve (barring exposed bodily fluids) was fine.
Exhibit A: Mother: gorgeous; little sister: pretty; me: check; big brother: pretty darned good; husband: not too bad; two little brothers: uhm, well, okay, I mean no one's bleeding or anything...
This may be the reason it took me so long to get married. Cody insists on keeping all pictures. Take, for example, the year I quit smoking. I have no desire to remember myself twenty-five pounds heavier with a constant take-my-picture-you-jerk-and-I'll-kill-you look on my face, but there are nights when I wake up to get a glass of water, and I hear Cody fiddling around in our office. What are you doing, love? I say. Oh, just scanning these pictures--all of them--since we met. Gonna put them on a zip drive and get a safety deposit box and...
O, come to bed, I say.
I suppose me burning them one by one in the fireplace while he's at work today will only cause marital turmoil. Alas! Is that what they mean when they talk about compromise?
I can't believe no one has commented on this great blog!! I loved my advice, but, I think a lot of women are disappointed that Nicole is giving away our "mother" secrets. Hey, we also can cry on demand, we suck in our abs during pics and a whole lot of other little nifty things. Love the pic of me and you, Nicole. MOM
I always wondered why there were no pictures of me from my first marriage... now I know... I never made it past the corner drug store. Well, nobody ever accused me of being photogenic... or observant.
I thought this was a method of self preservation practiced by all.... the digital world has it's pros and cons but the delete button is great. If it doesn't look good at 2cm x 2cm it won't look better at 4 x 6in! Nic-are there any pics of us? Mary is sooo-o right!
This is hilarious... But come on, Nicole, get with it... we have PHOTOSHOP now... you don't need to destroy pics anymore, you can just change them to look however you want... add a little lip here, trim a few pounds there and VOILA! instant perfection.
Jo--There is a picture of us, but we're sitting on a couch, and for some reason my underwear is showing in it! I guess I'll have to get Olivia on the horn for Photoshop!
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