Friday, November 23, 2007

Ah, the Cake

I love this photo that Olivia took because it feels like the kind of photo you find in the drawer of a bureau, a bureau you buy at a little antique store that you happen to drive by one cold November day, a bureau you just have to have, so you rope it on top of your beat-up station wagon, and you get home and start filling the drawers with your own things--soaps, panties, mended socks--and hmm, you say to yourself, what's this? It's a man and a woman cutting a cake with a little man and a woman on top of it. You flip the photo over and try to read the faded blue ink but can't make out the names or the date. You turn it over again and sit looking at them for a long minute, wondering if they are happy.

Trust me, they are. Very.


Author said...

i'm glad you put up that CAKE photo of all of the ones i took... seems appropriate:)

Anonymous said...

I love this, the picture and the words. MOM

Anonymous said...

proof.. you can have your cake... and eat it too!

little miss mel said...

Awe, such a sweet photo.

I would love to run across this photo in my drawer.
