Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Diddy for my Daddy

O, it's father's day!

What can I say?

You dream all night,

and you think all day!

Your mind's a whip;

your picking's a force;

your wife's your sweetie;

your heart's a horse!

You got Joe and Dave and Chuck and me--

all your younguns, as strange as can be.

And o my pappy--I hate to get sappy!--

but you're the reason we're so durned happy!


Richard Hefner said...

Hey Nicole... Your daddy thanks you for the diddy. I'm happy to be your pappy, and glad to be your dad. It's no bother to be your father. Guess I better stop, before you call a cop, and he hauls away your pop.


Nicole Callihan said...

O cop!
Don't haul my pop;
make it stop.